Well, to preface this, some of these knowledge nuggets were obtained on the way to Ithaca. Go Figure. And if these are not funny, then you are probably not my brother Adam or myself. That being said, enjoy.
10. Adam has black chocolate between his legs.
9. Giant tubes makes traffic slow.
8. Everyone out east drinks and eats Dunkin Donuts at all times while driving.
7. Cornell has a giant penis.
6. Everyone in Ithaca has a 40" vertical.
5. Indiana is a vomitous and revolting state.
4. No one actually lives in Cleveland, Ohio.
3. Blind motorcyclists often think their wallets are hamburgers and try to eat them at toll booths.
2. There are pet polar bears in Siberia named Hakuna Matata.
1. Cars can be coupons.

First and foremost, thank you to all who either called or text messaged me immediately after this catastrophy to see if I was okay - most Wednesdays I would be leaving the U about 6 O'clock to head back to Burnsville around the time of
the collapse, over that very bridge. Secondly, I feel that the callous and indifferent attitude I had that the unfourtunate luck of encountering down in Burnsville tonight over the incident was appallaing... people snickering at the cars perched on the mangled roadway and those who were callousley worried about their commute tomorrow morning was simply abhorrent. I try to find the inherent decency in every human being but am often thwarted in that attempt. To each their own I surmise. But, to anyone out there looking to help the
Red Cross is in need of blood so do your part and if you need a ride there tomorrow let me know.
Just to err on the safe side here is the Red Cross information:
To donate blood, call the Red Cross at 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or Memorial Blood Centers at 1-888-GIVE-BLD or visit Red Cross.