Okay weather fans, here is your chance to get inside the brain of KARE11's newest team member - the stupendous Sven Sundgaard! I happened along his blog on the
KARE11 website and thought I would share it with anyone who wanders in here. Perfect post for a perfect spring day!

Well, our fearless leader has set yet another record this week to add to his long line of accomplishments - an unprecidented record low in approval ratings! Yay! CNN
reported Tuesday that only 30% of respondents approve of the job Bush is doing while 60% disapprove. It was also reported that way over half of this country thinks the US is not heading in the right direction. Hope everyone who voted for Bush two years ago is proud!

Hey punk fans, your prayers have been answered! You can now download Fat ringtones and wallpaper from
indieringers.com! Hooray. They support Cingular and T-Mobile. I'd have one already but they don't have the Razr as an option for your phone. Boo.
Well, for any mountain bikers out there, me and a cohort of guys are going to start riding every weekend at various trails around the metro (Lebanon, The Farm, Theo Wirth, etc.). Anyone interested should reply or fire me an email. Time to get ready for the
Minnesota State Championship Series or just to get out and ride! I put a link to the
current trail conditions at the right which appears to be kept very current, thanks to a plethora of local riders.

Well, another Easter has come to pass. My biggest thrill was passing the ham, mashed potatoes and baked corn around the table. Oh, that and the hours of driving. I guess. Anywho, I thought some of you might enjoy the picture at the left. The caption is, "Rejoice! He is Risen!" I think it is and early christian work, probably from the middle 6th century. Brandon also passed this
bit of Easter wisdom along from McSweeney's. Hopefully this is some food for thought for next year. And hopefully there are some deviled eggs in my future next Easter...
Well, all the footage has been assembled, playing synced up and the glow around Jesus' head had been digitally inserted with the greatest of care. That's right folks, NOFX's 'Seeing Double at the Triple Rock' video is out! The best place to watch it is at
Fat Wreck Chords, but if you have a Myspace account you can also watch it in the
music video section. I have only watched it a couple times but I think the only time you can see me is in the big group shots right up front with my fist in the air. Still pretty sweet.

Well, the rumors are not overly recent, but in case some of you had not heard this pic is what the new iPod is rumored to look like! There are some good concept pics at
Gear Live (that is where the pic here is from). There is also a nice discussion about the leaked manufacturing photo from China where the new iPods are purportedly being worked on now at
theory.isthereason. And finally, a really cool video on
Christian Wedlock's page that shows how the leaked photo could be faked using good 'ol Photoshop and Illustrator. Discuss amongst yourselves, lest I defenestrate you verdant ninnies!