Bush: One of the Greatest Presidents???
Published 1.18.2006 by murfield | E-mail this post
Wow. In a letter to the editor in
today's MN Daily, there is a genius who seems to think the GOP is
gaining power in this country and that Bush is the greatest president since Lincoln. Now that is just delusional...
Here's a taste of the conservative "goodness":
We’ve kicked the Democrats out of power in Washington and most states, we’re about to kick them out of power within the federal judiciary and all the GOP has to do now to complete the funeral is find an equally savvy way to kick the Democrats off our school boards. And when that happens, conservatism’s victory over liberalism will be complete and Bush’s legacy as the best president since Lincoln will be sealed forever.Now if that is not a classic case of an ignorant conservative who is dead sure the GOP is
saving this country, I don't know what is. Maybe he should watch a news channel that shows what the rest of the world thinks about the US, not just Pat Robertson on the 700 Club or the "doctors" Jack and Rexella on Jack Van Impe Presents. Christ.
I think Rexella is kind of hot... And how about that pocket electronic bible?! Invaluable!!!
Impe... you kill me! If it wasn't enough that you have already declared that a leader from the European Union will forge a seven year peace treaty after which the apocalypse will commence, well, I'm not sure what more personal damage you can do!? ...except for the God-awful haircut you gave Rexella... have some mercy man!