Here is the battle damage... more pics to come!
Just in case anyone wants to see the farewell piece you can
view it here! The link from the webpage in the original post doesn't always work. Enjoy!
(be careful... it's a little sappy!)

Well here is proof is nothing else. My friend on facebook, Jesus H. Christ, has a birthday coming up. Man, even facebook isn't secular anymore! just kidding!
(click on the image if you cannot read it)
I am heading to Fairmont and Cedar Falls tomorrow and will be gone until next Wednesday but I will try to keep everyone posted on the Holiday cheer (and Holly Nog!).
Good for us! Thanks to some support those sneaky republicans did not get an arctic drilling bill passed that was snuck into the defense bill. Here's what John Kerry had to say via email about it:
Today you proved what can happen when we stand up against the abuse of power in Washington. Today the Senate kept faith with our troops and we stopped the Republican leadership from drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Thanks to your powerful advocacy over the past 48 hours, the Senate today stopped the Republican leaders and President Bush from passing a bill that would have allowed drilling in the Arctic and put oil companies' profits before the needs of the nation. While the fight is never over, we hope that these special interest provisions will now be stripped from the bill, and our troops and military commanders will get the help that they so desperately need without all the extra special interest favors the Republican leaders added to the bill to help their political allies. It never would have happened without your support. ... Thank you for all your support, your passion and your dedication. I'm proud of our johnkerry.com community -- and I'm especially proud that you helped to save the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Teresa and I wish you and your family a very happy holiday and a happy new year.
Let's keep fighting for a stronger America.
John KerryMore at
his website.

If anyone happens to read this before 10:00pm, it is
Ken Barlow's Last day as meteorologist for Kare11 News. There will be a little farewell piece at 10 so tune in. They tried to handcuff him so he would stay (right) but I do not think that would work. We'll all miss the jokes from the Backyard and urgent weather alerts. Keep up the good work out East.
You've served well and will be missed Kenny B!
Should be an exciting week of finishing up my final project! I'll be here till at least midnight every night so stop by and say hi!
On another note, ID took a hard hit today as judge ruled that
'Religious alternative' to evolution cannot be taught in public school classes. Yay!
The the Discovery Institute released
their own statement which is pretty humorous to read. (Both articles from a heads up at
If anyone wants to go Christmas shopping for me let me know!

Hooray for Monday. Just kidding. Did anyone else who watched Bush's address last night think it sounded like he almost admitted he fucked up and the "war" in Iraq is not going well? Silly monkey!
On another note I put a hole in my bumper this weekend in a parking ramp downtown the got my car stuck on a snow pile in my won parking lot. Real smooth. Maybe I should not drive any more! Or just be a little more careful. If anyone talks to Santa at the mall let him know I need a new bumper, a 15" Powerbook and for my credit card bills to disappear! Oh, and some Holly Nog and Bailey's. Yummy.
I think it would be prudent to start publishing a haiku and/or limerick of the week. I will be putting this here as a challenge to all who read the slightly lowbrow and sometimes lewd poetry to comment with your amelioration(s), i.e. write some and post it!
There once was a Ranger named Chuck
Whose roundhouse maneuver didn't suck
A swift kick to the head
From those boots and you're dead
Then he'd toss your dead ass in his truck
ok, ok... enough with the Chuck talk for awhile...

Or as I like to call it, Miller Time! j/k. Apparently no one like Chuck as much as I pretend to, but I will keep posting the Texas Ranger whenever I find a blurb about him. Happy weekend, and let's all put a few down for Walker!

Well, it's that time of year again -
Daily Finals Edition!There are pdf versions of the front pages of sections A and B, as well as an
interactive Windows XP clone (yuck!) of the entire Finals Edition. One of the things you will not find in the online version, however, are the Chuck Norris facts and "The Adventures of Taft", a number of cartoons featuring our corpulent former president.
Here are the Norris facts and euphemisms for those of you unfortunate enough not to be able get your paws on the print version:
1) If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris you may be only seconds away from death.
2) Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.
3) The grass is always greener on the other side, unless Chuck Norris has been there. In that case the grass is most likely soaked in blood and tears.
4) The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.
There are also two small harrowing pictures of Chuck with the captions:
1) What are you staring at? Don't make me take you out.
2) Can you feel the Chuck?
I recommend the print version however, the Chuck pictures are priceless! (Or at least worthy of taping to your bedroom/dormroom/office door.)
Ok, if you have watched this movie as many times as I (too many to count) you may find this pretty cool. The entire
Life Aquatic script!There is a plethora of other interesting specimens on the site also. Enjoy!
Usually I think Mat Koehler's columns are kind of a waste of space. This one, however is f'ing hilarious. Pass it on the any conservative you know and run for cover!
"Pay attention, communist liberal slime"Can't wait for the letters to the editor to start flying in on this one. That will be even more fun!
Ok people, if any of you actually have a job (or some semblance of one that involves a Christmas party) you should take some of these suggestions from the guys at Inside College Hockey into consideration.
Cocktail NapkinClick on the "full napkin" link near the top. Good stuff!
Let go Holly Nog!
Well, I managed to tear away from my studies for a few seconds so that no one thinks I am not going to keep posting here!
Not much more than a week of the semester left so it should be busy. Put my christmas tree up last night. It's a little small but looks good. My betta died the other day and that was, but he almost made it a year which is not too shabby. I'll miss him! Hopefully everyone has done their shopping for me by now ;-) I should really start, but what would be the fun of that?
Well, it is turning out to be a bipolar Thursday...
1) Snow!
2) Network published some more of
my ranting (under ESR)
1) Codes won't finish running on the stupid Army machine
2) One of my overdue bills was sent to collection and the rest are way more than I can afford to pay
3) TCF once again screwed me out of $264.00 in overdrafts